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Introduction to Massage:

Massage therapy is the application of pressure to the muscles and soft tissues of the body for relaxation and health. It addresses a variety of conditions such as stress-related illness, sleep disorders, pain, headaches, high blood pressure, diabetes, post-operative swelling, and depression. If you want to know what to expect, here's a look at the massages we offer...



Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force (sometimes known as qi or chi) to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses the gentle to medium pressure of hands and feet. They follow the Chinese meridian lines that assist the flow of energy throughout the body and help the body function at its peak performance.

 More than five thousand years ago, the Chinese discovered that pressing certain points on the body relieved pain where it occurred and also benefited other parts of the body more remote from the pain and the pressure point. Gradually, they found other locations that not only alleviated pain, but also influenced the functioning of certain internal organs. (Definition, in part, from the book Acupressure’s Potent Points, by Michael Reed Gach, director of the Acupressure Institute, Bantam, 1990.)

Chair Massage – Onsite Events Only


We no longer offer chair massage in our office, but you can book an onsite event, such as an employee appreciation day.  We will schedule a therapist to come to your office to provide chair massage for your employees during a specified day and time.  You let us know how many people you would like to have received the benefit and the length of each massage, and we can create a proposal specific to your needs.  Employees always enjoy a massage reward day for all their hard work.  Consider scheduling yours now. 

There will be times--during a strenuous shopping trip, visiting your health food store, or when traveling by air--that you might not be able to manage a full-body massage. Here's your chance to use chair massage, as it's just the thing for relief from long airplane rides or to relax shoulders weighted down by shopping bags or suitcases. This is not the massage chair with the electrical cord Uncle Fred requested for his birthday, but a brief massage by a trained professional with you seated on a padded, ergonomically designed chair.

Chair massage is often delivered fully clothed, without massage oil, and purchased in segments from five minutes to 20 minutes at about $1.50 - $2.00 a minute. The focus is applying compression (pressure) to the head, shoulders, neck, back, and arms.

Americans didn't invent chair massage--there's Japanese artwork showing seated massage from at least several hundred years ago. But American ingenuity spread the practice, with high-tech companies on the West Coast introducing it to the workplace during the 1980s. It spread rapidly from there and its use has been noted in national surveys on the best places to work.

And here's something to double your fun--use chair massage to introduce your fellow shoppers or travel companions to their first massage. It's a lighthearted way to start someone down the path to wellness.

Cold Therapy:   Ice/Cold Stone

Adding ice or cold stone to a massage can help the muscles relax in a new way.  Ice is an effective release for muscle spasms, reduce inflammation, and relief of tension.  Cold stones can also be used to help relieve headaches, as well as reducing inflammation in tissues throughout the body.

Contrast Therapy

Add cold stones to a hot stone massage to deepen the effect of the stone treatment.  Cold stones are used in conjunction with hot stones to revitalize the muscle tissue.  The therapist will alternate the use of hot and cold stones throughout the massage.  This is a fantastic way to get deep muscle effects without the discomfort of deep work because the contrasting temperatures use the nervous system and fluids (blood and lymph) in the body to relax muscle tension.

Couples Contrast Therapy Massage

Enjoy a Couples Contrast Massage session with your loved one, available in 60 or 90 minute options.  Our specialty trained therapists work with alternating hot and cold stones to give you and your loved one a unique benefit of Contrast Therapy in our special couples room with side by side massage tables.

Couples Hot Stone Massage

Go one step more relaxing than the Basic Couples Massage by upgrading to Hot Stone Massage for two.  This Couples Massage is available in your choice of 30, 60, or 90 minutes hot stone massage for two people.  Hot Stone Massage is provided by our expert massage therapists in our relaxing couples massage room.  Cannot be booked online, must call or email to schedule as we need to reserve two therapists for this time.

Couples Massage

Enjoy a special time of relaxation with your loved one with our basic couples massage option.  Basic Couples Massages are available in your choice of  30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes massages for two people, with your choice of  basic therapy (excluding hot or cold stone therapies, contrast therapy, and 4-Hands Massage). Basic Couples Massages are provided by our expert massage therapists in our relaxing couples massage room.   Cannot be booked online, must call or email to schedule as we need to reserve two therapists for this time.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy (also called CST, also spelled CranioSacral bodywork or therapy) is an alternative medicine therapy used by osteopaths, massage therapists, naturopaths, and chiropractors. A craniosacral therapy session involves the therapist placing their hands on the patient, which allows them to tune into what they call the craniosacral rhythm. The practitioner gently works with the spine and the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. In this way, the restrictions of nerve passages are said to be eased, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord is said to be optimized, and misaligned bones are said to be restored to their proper position. Craniosacral therapists use the therapy to treat mental stress, neck and back pain, migraines, TMJ Syndrome, and for chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.


Cupping is used in Chinese medicine to release the flow of energy or “Qi” in the body. In Western medicine, cupping is used as a way to decompress myofascial constrictions and address muscle tension and spasms. This reverse pressure can help lift and separate connective tissue, assists in breaking down adhesions, and increasing blood flow and hydration to specific areas of the body. Using silicone cups, the therapist can adjust the degree of suction and intensity level on the client’s skin. The cups are often placed on the back, neck, and shoulders or the site of pain. Cupping may be used in a focused stationary area, or in motion such as gliding around areas of tension.

Cupping may cause temporary discoloration or bruise like marks and soreness, depending upon the level of internal stagnation or myofascial constriction. These marks are not contusions (bruises) but are due to blood being brought to the surface and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. If you have an event requiring spaghetti straps or shorts, please let your therapist know not to work with cups in areas that may be exposed. As with any type of bodywork, there can be some tenderness in the treatment area afterwards. There is also a possibility of redness and itching due to increased vasodilation and inflammation of superficial tissues. Decreased blood pressure is another potential side effect of activating the parasympathetic nervous system. First time clients may have a temporary immune reaction that produces flu-like symptoms like nausea, headache, and aches that will subside with increased water and rest. Cupping should not be combined with aggressive exfoliation, 4 hours after shaving, sunburn or when hungry or thirsty.

After a cupping session, clients should drink plenty of water, avoid excess exercise, hot showers, steams, and saunas until the next day. Light stretching and range of motion exercises can be beneficial after a cupping session. Exercise the day after a cupping session can help increase circulation and aid in the discoloration of the cupping area.

Cupping can be very effective for the following conditions: athletic stress and injury, sciatica, tight IT bands, migraines, tension headaches, TMJ disorder, Plantar Fasciitis, fibromyalgia, lymph or edema, general muscle tension and myofascial constriction. Clients should not receive cupping if you are experiencing any of the following: Broken bones, hernias, organ failure, sunburn, ulcerated, ruptured, or inflamed areas, fever, easy bleeding, cardiopathy, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, dislocations, slipped discs, undergoing cancer therapies, convulsions, liver or kidney illness, 3D Varicosities, systemic cancers, surgical incisions, hives, herpes, shingles, pregnancy, nursing, taking blood thinners, hemophiliacs, diabetes. Areas of skin with skin tags, raised moles, skin cancer, implants (such as pace makers, insulin monitors, or transdermal drug delivery systems), metal joint and bone replacement, as well as plates, screws, or bolts should also be avoided.

Cupping will be an add-on service to any basic massage. It will occur within the time frame of your massage session and does not extend the length of your massage. Cupping is not available to add on to a hot stone, cold therapy, or contrast therapy.

Deep Tissue Massage


During this type of massage, we focus on 2 – 3 areas of the body instead of a full body approach in the effort of trying to correct “problem areas” such as restriction of movement, “knots”, and muscular pain.  Techniques that utilize deep-tissue/deep-muscle massage are administered to affect the sub-layer of musculature and fascia. These techniques require advanced training and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology. The muscles must be relaxed in order to effectively perform deep-tissue massage, otherwise tight surface muscles prevent the practitioner from reaching deeper musculature. It helps with chronic muscular pain and injury rehabilitation and reduces inflammation-related pain caused by arthritis and tendinitis. It is especially effective for reducing adhesions that cause restriction of movement.

 Facilitated Stretching

Facilitated stretching is active-assisted stretching, which uses active motion and isometric work to improve flexibility and enhance motor learning in the process. Simplified, the three steps involved in facilitated stretching are these:

  1. The stretcher actively lengthens the muscle to be stretched (target muscle). 
  2. The stretcher isometrically contracts the target muscle for 6 seconds. 
  3. The stretcher actively stretches the target muscle to a new range of motion. 

For example, to stretch the hamstrings, the stretcher begins by contracting the quadriceps and psoas (hip flexors) to actively move his leg to the starting position, without assistance. He then isometrically contracts his hamstrings for 6 seconds as the partner provides resistance. Finally, by contracting the hip flexors again to lift the leg higher, the stretcher actively stretches the hamstrings to a new length.

Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage is a very gentle massage offered for the elderly with thinning skin and decreased muscle tone.  This gentle therapy is primarily a nerve soothing massage while also replenishing the skin with moisture from the oil or lotion used during the massage.

You can do a favor to the aging members of your family by knowing two of the biggest reasons first-timers generally try massage: a medical professional recommends it, or they receive a gift certificate. If you want your loved ones to benefit from massage when they are older, there's no time like the present to acquaint them with the joys of professional massage therapy.

Down the road, as some greater infirmities like arthritis and dementia present themselves, the way will have been paved for massage to be a soothing resource. When the time comes, massage has its place in hospice care for both patients and stressed-out families. Give the gift of massage now and watch the dividends pay off for your whole family when it counts the most.

Hand or Foot Focus

Do you need specific focused work on your hands or feet?  We can now offer you a focused therapy for 30 or 60 minutes spent just in working in those small areas.  Many people have specific issues with their hands and feet that need specialized work to be done.  We are able to do focused work to get in between all of those small carpal or tarsal bones, loosed fascia and adhesions, and help with pain and restriction of movement; allowing you more pain free dexterity.  Ask you therapist for this enhancement to be added to any existing therapy. 


Add a heated table.

Headache Release Therapy 

We have created a new option specifically for helping relieve headaches.  This therapy uses a blend of trigger point work, myofascial release, deep tissue, and swedish work to relieve the pressure in sinuses and muscle tension in jaw, face, neck, and scalp that is typically associated with headaches and migraines. The entire massage is done with the client in a prone (face up) position to avoid putting additional pressure on the sinuses by being face down for any part of the treatment.  The next time you have a headache, why not schedule a 45 minute headache release session and get on with you day in a pain free way.


Hot Stone Therapy


Uses basalt hot stones as tools in your therapists hands, alternating between a gentle gliding of the stones over the surface of the skin and using the stones to carve deeply in between the muscles and get deeper into the tissues.  This is an excellent introduction to any massage work because the hot stones helps melt through muscle tension.

Lymph Drainage Therapy


Your lymphatic system is your body’s filter. It is made up of vessels, nodes and lymph, the life-giving fluid that bathes your cells. Lymphatic vessels collect fluid from all over the body and bring it to the lymph nodes, where it is purified. In the nodes, your immune cells destroy damaged cells, bacteria and viruses. Ultimately, the cleaned lymph fluid enters back into your blood circulation.

Healthy lymph circulation is critical to the body’s ability to detoxify itself, regenerate tissues and maintain a healthy immune system. However, that process can be hindered by stress, fatigue or trauma to the tissues in the form of illness, injury or surgery.

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a delicate form of hands-on evaluation and treatment that stimulates the body’s natural lymphatic circulation.  Developed by French physician Bruno Chikly, LDT has its roots in manual lymph drainage techniques that originated in Europe in the 1930’s. Increasingly popular in this country, LDT is among the most commonly used physical therapy modalities in Europe today. 

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a form of bodywork that is manipulative in nature and seeks to rebalance the body by releasing tension in the fascia. Practitioners of myofascial release employ long stretching strokes meant to balance tissue and muscle mechanics and improve joint range of motion in order to relieve pain and release muscular tension. Myofascial Release is a manual therapy technique that is utilized to help relieve pain and tension that is due to injury, posture, inflammation, or stress. It involves releasing and unwinding the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds each muscle and interconnects all of the other internal parts of the body. This tissue layer, which connects every muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, and organ in our bodies, can store memories of physical trauma. Releasing these restrictions allows us to discharge recurring emotional as well as physical pain. Points of restriction in the fascia can place a great deal of pressure on nerves and muscles causing chronic pain.  A combination of dehydration and the elements of life such as the repetitive movement causes fascia and muscle to bind together, which inhibits the muscle’s ability to move efficiently.  Pressure needs to be applied to these adhesions to help break it up and release it, which is what myofascial release is all about.  Sessions tend to be lighter pressure but can include craniosacral work, stretching techniques, trigger point work, and deep touch. 

Paraffin Dip


A treatment for the symptoms of joint and muscle conditions, such as arthritis, that consists of melted mineral wax derived from petroleum applied to a body area. Paraffin dips can be especially helpful in relieving the pain and stiffness of arthritis involving the small joints of the hands and feet when used as a small bath. The hands or feet are repeatedly dipped into the melted, warm wax and the wax allowed to cool and harden around the sore joints. The paraffin is then removed by peeling off and can be re-melted in the bath for repeated use. This enhancement can be added to any existing therapy, but must be booked 2 hours prior to your appointment time to allow time for the therapist to get the paraffin melted.

 Plantar Fasciitis Therapy

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful diagnosis of the foot and upper leg.  Most clients will report pain in the arch of the foot.  What people do not commonly know is that the pain in the arch of the foot is often caused by tension in the ankle and lower leg muscles.  During this special therapy, the trained therapist focuses on the lower leg (knee down), specifically addressing the gastrocnemius (calf muscle), muscles and tendons of the ankle, and the foot to help release tension and relieve pain.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage improves a womans overall health and has been shown to improve labor outcomes for both mother and child.  Prenatal massage helps a pregnant women to relax tense muscles and reduce stress and anxiety associated with labor. It also works to relieve pain.  The expanding womb puts a lot stress on the shoulders, abdominal area and back muscles of the mother, and lower back pain is very common during pregnancy. A prenatal massage therapist can apply pressure to specific sore spots to relieve tension and pain. However, certain pressure points should be avoided, such as the wrists and ankles, because they might stimulate pelvic and uterus muscles and lead to premature labor. 

Reduced blood circulation and increased blood pressure during pregnancy might cause swelling of joints. Prenatal massage helps to improve circulation and addresses nerves inflamed by the pressure of the uterus. The massage helps to relieve sciatic nerve pain experienced by pregnant women. Research also shows that prenatal massage lowers stress hormones, which are major causes of pregnancy complications.

When you lie on your back in late pregnancy, the weight of the pregnant uterus slows the return of blood to your heart, which reduces blood flow to the fetus. That means the baby is getting less oxygen and fewer nutrients.  Since we are concerned with not just mother, but developing child as well, pregnancy massage is performed in a side lying position using pillows to prop up the head, arms, and between the knees after the second trimester.  


Reflexology is a popular and ancient form of bodywork that flows from a Chinese tradition and works with the incredible system of nerves and energy meridians rooted in our feet, hands, and ears. Ancient practitioners of foot massage came across tender spots on feet and noticed specific health conditions improved after massage. That allowed them to map foot sensitivities with corresponding body parts. So if your reflexologist comes to a tender spot on one of these extremities, pay heed to the organ or system to which it may be connected.

Reflexology is a smart way to work with health concerns not ordinarily reachable through regular massage, such as problems in organs or internal systems. This also goes for areas too damaged or painful to benefit from direct touch. Reflexology addresses a modern problem as well. Our feet are cooped up in shoes all day and walk mainly on hard, flat surfaces. This means the opportunities for feet to send signals to the brain about temperature, texture, and surface variations are lost.

A Reflexology treatment should not be confused with a “foot massage”.  The purpose of Reflexology is not to reduce muscle tension, but to access the reflex points that effect the internal organs.  If you are looking for a “foot massage”, please book a basic massage with a foot focus enhancement.

Shiatsu (Trigger Point Work)


Developed in Japan, shiatsu is a finger-pressure technique utilizing traditional acupuncture points. Similar to acupressure, shiatsu concentrates on unblocking the flow of life energy and restoring balance in the meridians and organs in order to promote self-healing. With the client reclining, the practitioner applies pressure with the finger, thumb, palm, elbow, or knee to specific zones on the skin located along the energy meridians. The treatment brings about a sense of relaxation while stimulating blood and lymphatic flow. The benefits of this treatment may include pain relief and a strengthening of the body’s resistance to disease and disorder.

Trigger Points are specific areas throughout the body that may be cause by adhesions or restriction of movement in specific muscles that give referred pain to another area of the body.  These points are so well known that there are actually recognized charts to help one look for the trigger point based in the area of pain.  Your therapist has been specially trained in using the charts, as well as reading the body for the signs of Trigger Points.  By releasing the Trigger Point, the referred pain is released as well. In our Shiatsu / Trigger Point Sessions, we use a combination of these two therapies to give our clients the best results.

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage offers a full body, relaxation massage to our clients.  This typically consists of beginning with the face and scalp, then producing to work with the neck, upper shoulders, and arms before moving on to the legs and hips.  Once the client rolls over onto their stomach, we work the back half of the body. 

Swedish massage was developed by a physiologist at the University of Stockholm in 1812. One of the most commonly taught and well-known massage techniques, Swedish massage is a vigorous system of treatment designed to energize the body by stimulating circulation. Five basic strokes, using light to medium/deep pressure, all flowing toward the heart, are used to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. The disrobed client is covered by a sheet, with only the area being worked on exposed. Therapists use a combination of kneading, rolling, vibrational, percussive, and tapping movements, with the application of oil, to reduce friction on the skin. The many benefits of Swedish massage may include generalized relaxation, dissolution of scar tissue adhesions, and improved circulation, which may speed healing and reduce swelling from injury.

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch is similar to Swedish massage, but with a VERY GENTLE touch.  This therapy is about relaxing the nervous system as the therapist gives a very gentle massage with about the same amount of pressure as applying lotion to the skin.  This does not work into the muscles and remains only in superficial areas of the skin and the immediate superficial layer under the skin. 

TMJ Therapy

Our specially trained therapist will work the muscles of the jaw, face and neck to relieve the tension created from TMJ issues.  Using gloved hands, the therapist will work both inside and outside of the jaw muscles, followed by work on the neck muscles related to the clenching and tension typically associated with TMJ.

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